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![]() ![]() ![]() Welcome to Jeanie's Home on The Web
![]() I'm glad that you are here to see some of the exciting new ventures that I am involved with and really enjoying. I have just started to build this site so please come back often to check out the latest information that I am adding to help us all proceed on our journey of life.
![]() Index of My Site
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hi, How are you doing? Welcome to my web site, come on in and let's get you started on your journey to health, happiness, security, success and wealth building.
The Quick Links and Index
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![]() my various business interests or to view our home on the lake which is for sale:-
![]() Ad Placing.com
![]() ![]() The Gideon Network
![]() ![]() Jeanie at Zibycom
For Sale by Owner- please follow this link
![]() Higher Awareness-please follow this link-
For Information about Chronic Diseases and IIlnesses- please follow this link.
It has only limited information at present but will contain lots of information very soon.
![]() For Spirituality, Reiki and Inspirational Articles click here
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The Gideon Network
Please take a look at my list below while you
think of how it could change your life.
Ask Yourself These Questions to see if You are Ready-
![]() Is making $1,000 or $6,000 or even $10,000 extra dollars per month
worth you checking this out?
I know most of us are trying to find a way to get out of the rat race. I came across The Gideon Network recently and I just signed up for this new business venture. I have included some of the information from the web site below.
It would be easy to get just two people to sign up and then they get two and on and on it goes until we are all on our way to a profitable early retirement.
Want $6K per Month "INCOME INSURANCE"?
Are YOU clear about who you WANT to work with?
Then why do you constantly find yourself working with STRANGERS that in
the end DON'T live up to your expectations of them?
Would you like to provide yourself "income insurance" AND work with people
who have high income goals, an overall positive attitude and do what they
say they will do?
Would you like to find out more about a community where its members are
making AT LEAST $6,000 in the first 30 days? And where NO ONE has to do
something they're not good at?
We're Conducting Interviews RIGHT NOW!
All the things you've been taught about "online marketing" AND "it's a
numbers game" AND "It's a turn-key, automated Internet business"...
We are Taking Applications!
Are you TIRED of marketing?
Are you ready to CHOOSE who you work with and how you spend your time?
We have a professional group of marketers waiting to help you, talk to
your clients and CLOSE the deal!
Would you like to find out more information about making $6K in 30 days
WITHOUT marketing?
The Great “ONLINE MARKETING MYTH”- Don't Fall For It!
*STOP!* Write down the PARTNER NAME-- jeanie -- that sent you here!
If you've been online at all, somewhere you have come across the idea that "All you have to do is SIGN UP for our FREE website - then get OTHER people to SIGN UP - and you'll make MONEY." You are told that you have a "Turn-Key" or "Fully Automated" business just ready to rake in the cash!
If you've tried it at all you know- IT DOESN'T WORK!
In fact, if you ever tried any marketing OFFLINE - you're starting to get a funny, sinking, and FAMILIAR feeling. This sounds a lot like "the numbers game" and "sifting and sorting" people - doesn't it? And it didn't work there either, did it?
You've had one of three experiences.
NO ONE "signed up" for you "FREE website" at all. You wrote ads (or maybe someone gave you some "cookie cutter" ads "guaranteed" to get response), you either wore yourself out posting them everywhere, and even though this is the "hottest, newest, most exciting" thing to ever come along, no one "signed up". Not even for free. Because YOUR ad did NOT stand out from among a million others it was competing against, and you are just NOT a gifted ad writer.
You ARE able to write a decent ad, and you CAN get people to "sign up" for free. You were told, "They'll sign up for free - and then they'll be so pleased, they'll upgrade to some paying status and YOU will earn commissions." Only, it hasn't worked that way, has it?
How much money do YOU make when people "sign up" for free? None.
The most painful- somewhere along the way, you DID have people - and now THEY are having the EXACT same experiences that MOST PEOPLE have been having.
And they're asking YOU why THEY aren't making any money now!
And they blame you. You, after all, are their only point of contact.
They have bought into the entire Online "Marketing Myth" that you did, and
when it doesn't work the way they thought it would, it has to be SOMEBODY'S fault, right?
And for the $3.50 commission you made on their sale, YOU are expected to write ads for them, motivate them, just MAKE it work somehow. Or they disappear- off to greener pastures and the NEXT "hottest, newest, most exciting, turn-key, fully automated" Internet business, sure that they CAN succeed and never realizing that the system itself is flawed and false right at the core. It's all a lie!
Now, if you're in that situation, what do YOU do?
Well, 90% of people just quit. They quit that business, and when they have quit enough businesses, they quit altogether and conclude, "Internet marketing just doesn't work." They become part of the 90% of people who FAIL at home-based businesses.
And then you have the other 10%. These are the ones that hunker down and accept that it really IS a "numbers" game. They advertise, they take all comers, they get the freebies, and eventually they make the sale. And their days get longer and longer and longer - split between trying to baby-sit and nurture the people, and continually marketing to keep the "pipeline full".
Their reward is that ONCE IN A GREAT WHILE they find someone like themselves.
Someone motivated, teachable, and professional.
Someone positive who can be counted on to do what they say they will do. Someone with whom they can start to build a real RELATIONSHIP on both a professional AND a personal level.
If they're lucky, they find a small GROUP of these types of people.
At last, the “cream has risen to the top”. The “heavy-hitters” are born and they survived.
And THIS is EXACTLY how EVERY big network in our industry has developed using the "Marketing Myth". The TRUTH behind the Myth includes a lot of disappointments, a lot of frustrations, and a lot of burnout.
Why don't they TELL you that up front?
How enticing would YOU find an ad that says:
"Wanted - people willing to work a few years of 12 hour days, getting whined at and blamed at and complained to all day and night - convincing and motivating and hyping people - for success a few years down the road if you can stand it."
Nope. The ads say, basically: "FREE! Make Money Fast!
Fully automated, turn-key Internet business."
Now, pay attention here, because I said that this is EXACTLY the way every big network in our industry has DEVELOPED - using the "Marketing Myth" and the "Marketing" model.
But this is NOT how networking originally started, and set the business world on fire in the 1950's.
There were FORTUNES made at that time without ANY of this dishonesty.
Network Marketing has created 20% of the Millionaires in the U.S. alone!
Our goal here is to show you HOW it was done and even to revolutionize the Internet today - because it SICKENS us to see what's "out there" today.
We know - we've been there for years. We've done EXACTLY what we've described - both online AND offline - and we have held SO MANY conversations over the years with others who have done the same thing - the Survivors and the Keepers of the Big Secret.
In fact, we've said to each other…
"If you could just get all of US together, life would be SO MUCH EASIER."
And then, we reached a point in our lives where the money wasn't enough to keep us quiet. We reached a point one day when every hour became MUCH too precious to spend doing anything OTHER than what we loved, what we BELIEVED in, and what helped us reach our goals. In short, WE QUIT!
After years, we QUIT spreading the Myth.
After 21 years of marketing, we chose a totally different route.
And this is what happened:
We ELIMINATED ALL of our business and advertising expenses overnight!
We went from 12+ hour days to 1-2 hour days - and NO "Customer Service" issues.
We STOPPED having to "convince" or "motivate" people.
We created incomes of $6,000 or MORE in 30 days - not only for OURSELVES
but ALSO for people we worked with. And that income GROWS every week!
It's not magic - in fact, as we said, it's how business USED to be done - and is still done in EVERY OTHER Industry but ours. I
It's information YOU NEED to know if you REALLY plan to make a GREAT living - AND a GREAT lifestyle.
To Find Out How to Make YOUR Business Succeed - if you can QUIT "Marketing"!
Check it out here by going to my web site and find out more information
Please send enquires to me for any further information at--
Here's what you do:
Clicking the link below takes you to our e-book -" Exploding the Great Internet Marketing Myth".
STOP: Please write down my partner name: jeanie
so we can all work together as a TEAM.
Together Everyone Achieves More
Read the e-book. If our vision matches yours, click on the interview request link on the How We Do It! page. You will be contacted by our Sales Department who will discuss this opportunity with you and help you determine whether this business plan is right for you and for us.
Network Marketing has created 20% of the Millionaires in the U.S. alone.
Wouldn't you like to join our Gideon Network to become one yourself?
![]() Index of My Site | The Gideon Network | About Jeanie | Ziby Com | Find Out The Facts | Mind, Body, Spirit | Higher Awareness | Empowerism | Spirituality | Meditation | Hypnosis | Journalling | Self-Improvement | Inspirational | Relaxation | Current Ads | ads by jeanie site | Real Estate --For Sale by Owner | Reiki Information | Reference Information | Promote-O-Matic | FAQ | Rexall International | Contact Us | Chronic Diseases and Conditions
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