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![]() ![]() ![]() Higher Awareness
![]() These are sample lessons presented by Higher Awareness.
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BE, DO & HAVE More - Key #1
"He who lives without discipline dies without honor." -- Icelandic Proverb
We can't achieve anything in our lives till we apply DISCIPLINE - consistency of effort. Most people's biggest challenges lie in lack of focus, poor organization and no time. Sound familiar?
Three basic skills will help you attain clarity, discipline, willpower, control, organization and effectiveness:
1. SET MEANINGFUL GOALS - Setting goals clarifies your direction and gives you focus. Less than 5% of the population set goals and of these, less than 5% stay on track with consistent reviews. If you're going to change, you must know what you want for yourself and you must resolve to get it.
2. SPEND TIME ON WHAT MATTERS - Connect with what is important to you, and you'll make better decisions about how to use your time. Keep an eye on the big picture and balance where you put your attention.
You will then experience more focus, organization and productivity and less stress, procrastination and chaos.
Manage the minutes and they will manage your day.
3. TRACK YOUR SUCCESS - Know how to measure your progress.
Develop measuring sticks for your growth. Clearly identify your next step. Maintain your attention and intention and you will succeed.
To grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually, we all require discipline, effectiveness and feedback.
We must MAKE the time and then TAKE the time for our own expansion.
TAKE JUST A FEW MINUTES NOW to write your answers to these questions:
- Why do you want to change and grow? What is your motivation?
- What areas of your life are most important to you?
- When can you commit quality time to work on these areas?
- How committed are you to change?
- Rate yourself on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high).
"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another." -- Walter Elliott
BE, DO & HAVE More - Key #2
"People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves
of the seas, at the long course of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean,
at the circular motion of the stars, and yet they pass by themselves without
wondering." -- St. Augustine
Once you have developed focus and discipline, you will want to heighten your awareness.
We need awareness to go inside to get rid of what does not serve us.
To penetrate the veils of our motives, unconscious fears, robotic reactions,
blind spots, faulty beliefs, negative self-talk and judgments.
Simple awareness holds the power to release us from these blocks.
Simple awareness is the cornerstone of acceptance and forgiveness.
We also need awareness to expand our comfort zones, our outer envelope of thinking and feeling.
Experience more of our values, our gifts, our passions and our innate wisdom.
With greater self-knowledge, we express ourselves more authentically out in the world. We are more creative, expressive, imaginative, spontaneous, intuitive and free.
AWARENESS MUST BE LEARNED. For the most part, humanity is asleep.
We function on autopilot. And so we must learn to wake up to truly SEE what's going on. We must become a detached, non-judgmental observer of ourselves.
As we begin to see through our reactions, habits and programming, we also begin to experience ourselves at a deeper and more honest level.
We start to experience the true compassion, love, power, freedom, beauty and truth that are our birthright.
"Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness." -- James Thurber
BE, DO & HAVE More - Key #3
"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are." - Bernice Johnson Reagon
How do you view and respond to the challenges that continually surface in your life?
If you're like most people, you feel victimized. Most of us moan "Poor me!"
We get angry, impatient, depressed and stuck. We think problems spoil what life ought to be. And we do whatever we can to avoid the pain.
For those of us who want to BE, DO and HAVE more, problems and blocks are precious gifts.
Through them, we can identify and release the unconscious fears and negative beliefs that hold us back from being all we can be.
Our lives change when we become conscious that every experience of resistance and fear has meaning and purpose.
Working purposefully through our blocks helps us become whole and healthy, build self-confidence, and awaken to and express new and more powerful aspects of ourselves.
Here are seven steps for healing the blocks that limit your full expression:
1. Define your problem - get clear about your challenges.
2. Feel your experience - go beyond your mental and emotional defences.
3. Explore deeper meaning - connect with the source of the block.
4. Take responsibility for your situation - be accountable and own it!
5. Learn the soul lesson - what is the higher meaning and essence?
6. Heal yourself - through acceptance, forgiveness and surrender.
7. Take action - anchor your new learning.
Break through the wall of your negative, reactive emotions.
Learn to see and release your negative, sub-vocal self-talk.
Break the bonds created by your limiting, selfish ego and, in doing so, experience your own essence, power and joy.
"One of the secrets of life is to make stepping stones out of stumbling blocks." -- Jack Penn
"We are only as big as the smallest thing that makes us angry." - Unknown Source
BE, DO & HAVE More - Key #4
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." -- Albert Einstein
Most people do not know how they think, learn, create or intuit. And these probably represent the most powerful untapped resources on the planet!
Many of us are 50% intuitive, but we do not know which 50% it is. To become more, achieve more and have more meaning, fulfillment and happiness in our lives, we must tap the full powers of our minds and hearts, of intuition and compassion.
We want to DEVELOP WHOLE BRAIN THINKING. This requires balancing our highly developed rational left-brain with the spiritual, universal, inclusive, impersonal, intuitive powers of the right brain.
To do this we must think more in concepts, the abstract, dichotomies,
symbols and metaphors - the language of intuition. It connects us directly with the immense capabilities of the subconscious mind and the higher realms.
LEARN HOW TO JOURNAL - to think in new ways and write down your insights. Writing slows down your thought process so you can see between the thoughts. You can see in new perspectives and draw out your own inner wisdom.
One of the best ways to develop the mind is through MEDITATION.
With meditation you can progressively relax, concentrate and be open.
Then you can start to understand the language of soul:
intuition, imagination, inspiration and enlightenment.
Once you learn to watch your mind at work, through contemplation you
can watch your Soul at work.
With discipline, awareness and calmed emotions, we can reap the many benefits of thinking and meditation.
Are you ready to develop your mind so it can perceive higher aspects of yourself? How do you experience intuition right now?
"The body has its own way of knowing, a knowing that has
little to do with logic, and much to do with truth,
little to do with control, and much to do with acceptance,
little to do with division and analysis, and much to do with union."
-- Marilyn Sewell
BE, DO & HAVE More - Key #5
"Once you begin to believe there is help 'out there,' you will know it to be true." -- Saint Bartholomew
Our lives really start to change when we begin to connect with a higher power, whatever we might define that to be. In our experience, just opening to the possibility of a higher power helped us become aware of events that confirmed for us its existence. When our growing belief enabled us to begin to call on this higher power for assistance, we experienced a quantum leap in support and change.
A spiritual connection, with or without a specific religious faith, is a very personal experience. It's not one that can be taught or forced. But we can benefit from guidance in how we might build and strengthen a relationship with this power. We can benefit from confirmation that the source of love, beauty, truth and wisdom lies within us.
Immerse yourself in your own divinity. Inspire yourself daily to maintain a higher intention of service, love, joy, unity, intuition, divine will and compassion. Connect with the bigger picture of who you are.
Watch your relationships blossom with friends, family, money and career.
"The function of prayer is not to influence God but rather to change the
nature of the one who prays." - Soren Kierkegaard
"We are Divine enough to ask and we are important enough to receive."
- Wayne Dyer
BE, DO & HAVE More - Summary of Keys
Let's do a quick review of how to BE more, DO more and HAVE more.
1. Build DISCIPLINE - Set meaningful goals, stay on track,and use your precious time to best advantage. Focusing on what's really important to you will help you get and stay organized, productive and successful.
2. Cultivate greater AWARENESS - Awareness is the ultimate key to growth. Become a detached observer to begin to see your unconscious and robotic reactions, illusions and self- deceptions. Become more aware of your innate creativity, intuition and wisdom.
3. LEARN FROM YOUR PROBLEMS - Understand, accept and work through your blocks, fears and life problems. Discover the positive spiritual energy causing the negative symptoms. Achieve integration, healing and freedom.
4. DEVELOP MIND - Develop your intuitive, creative and abstract right brain to balance your rational left brain. Master quick relaxation, focused concentration, insightful meditation and enlightening contemplation. Open up to peace of mind, balance and harmony.
Develop your mind and connect with your inner essence and spirit.
5. Practice DAILY SPIRITUAL LIVING AND SERVICE - Immerse yourself in your own divinity. Inspire yourself daily and maintain a higher intention of service, love, joy, divine will and compassion. Watch your relationships blossom with
friends, family, money and career.
Mastering the above steps requires guidance and consistent effort.
At Higher Awareness, we offer progressive in-depth workbooks on these
keys to growth. You can pick the program that works best for you.
Perhaps more importantly, we offer EMAIL SUPPORT over 30 to 365 days with each workbook. These persistent emails create lasting change. Let our daily and weekly support keep you inspired, disciplined, on track and growing so you can master each of these keys to BE, DO and HAVE more.
Start BEING, DOING and HAVING more today.
How important is your growth to you?
What do you want more of or less of in your life?
Higher Awareness has the right program for you.
We guarantee results. Are you ready? You are worth it.
For only pennies per day, we will show you the best tools that create deep,
long lasting positive change.
BE, DO & HAVE More -Inspiration
"A true knowledge of ourselves is knowledge of our power." -- Mark Rutherford
We trust you have interest in growing and making a positive change in your life and the lives of others.
"If you want to be truly successful invest in yourself to get the knowledge you need to find your unique factor. When you find it and focus on it and persevere your success will blossom." -- Sidney Madwed
Nurture Yourself
Inner Journey for Meaningful Growth
*** 1. TRAP - Selfish or Selfless ***
Selfish and selfless - two extremes. When we're selfish, we focus too much on ourselves and when we're selfless, we focus too much on meeting the needs of others. All forces in nature continually strive to achieve balance. We need to find the middle path for ourselves if we are to realize health and fulfillment in life.
It's true that service is a spiritual principle, but we cannot truly serve others if we are neglecting our own needs. Are you feeling tired or even exhausted, resentful, empty, guilty, and/or caught between what you think you should do as opposed to what you want to do? If so, you might look at how you can better look after yourself as you care for others.
*** 2. TIP - Self-nurturing ***
Being true to yourself brings inner power, passion, purpose, joy and fulfillment.
We nurture ourselves when we connect with and meet our soul needs. You can identify your soul needs by identifying what you really want right now and then asking "WHY do I want that?" Keep asking WHY till you cannot answer it any more.
Our soul needs are always spiritual, expressed as qualities or virtues like acceptance, freedom, peace, service and purpose. How often do you give yourself what you need to nurture yourself?
Experience the power of simple little gifts to recharge your system. What present can you give yourself? A hot bath, time alone sitting under a tree, your favourite music, play time with a child or pet, time with a special book or hobby ... You know what would fit the bill.
It's not selfish to put time and energy into following your heart, into doing whatever it is that makes you truly happy.
It's actually what life wants us to do. So give yourself at least as much attention as you give others. They'll thank you for it.
*** 4. INSPIRATION ***
"When you can lovingly be present to yourself, your presence to others takes on a deeper quality also." -- MacRina Wiederkehr
"Learn the art of taking care of yourself and remember that there is a very fine distinction between being selfish and taking care of yourself. If you take care of yourself, others won't have to." -- Lucille Ball
"But life lived only for oneself does not truly satisfy men or women.
There is a hunger in Americans today for larger purposes beyond the self." -- Betty Friedan
"Don't compromise yourself. You are all you've got."-- Janis Joplin
"The only thing you will take through those pearly gates is what you have given away." -- Marcia Moore
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