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Your Hostess: Jeanie Pakula
Associate ID: 17569
Click Here to Contact Jeanie
You can go Directly to my web site with the following link:-
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These are example articles from our letters for me to share with you.
These are two of my favourites for you.
A Word From The Publisher, Empowerism President, Janet Wilson
Welcome to the first issue of the Empower Train monthly newsletter for Empowerism Associates and Customers. I'm keeping this newsletter brief because I know you've got a whole Inbox full of email you need to read.
My goal is to give you an article and training tips each month that you can share with others if you choose.
"Sharing" just happens to be what I wanted to write about today. I read a touching article last week about a man who spent many years stopping by a family-owned sandwich shop each time he traveled out of town. It was on the route he usually took on his road trips to visit current and future customers and business partners as he worked to grow his Network Marketing business.
He never said much to the owner except for the polite passing comments they exchanged over the years. She saw him go from driving an old ratty car while dressed in T-shirt and jeans to driving his new Mercedes and sporting custom made suits. She'd ask him if business was good and he would reply with an enthusiastic "Yes!" but that's as far as their conversation went.
One day he pulled into the sandwich shop's parking lot on his way home from a particularly successful meeting. Much to his surprise, the door and windows were boarded up and there was an eviction notice hanging on the door.
Regret instantly filled his heart, for he had never thought to share his network marketing business with the owner, and now she had lost everything she had worked so hard to build.
He thought of how all these years he could have been helping her to build an alternate income that might have saved her business or at least allowed her to have something to fall back on when it closed. And now there was nothing he could do, no way to reach her. He felt as if he'd failed her.
There are people in your life, and even more on the periphery of your family or social circle, who need this gift from you. Network Marketing is not a burden, it's a gift - the gift of financial freedom, the gift of being your own boss, the gift of free time to spend doing the things we love to do. Is there shame in offering someone this kind of freedom? Of course not! The shame comes in *not* offering--of being stingy enough to keep it from others, perhaps because you've decided they won't be interested.
If your best friend or even your postman had a proven way for you to gain financial freedom, and decided not to tell you because maybe you wouldn't approve, wouldn't you be a little peeved? I sure would!
Share your gift with everyone you know. You might be surprised at who accepts and who declines, but you'll definitely see your business growing once you realize the power of giving this life-changing, life-saving gift.
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"Grazing Where The Grass Is Greener"
Written By: Darren Roberts
Copyright © 2001, All Rights Reserved
It's fair to say that we like doing what we enjoy. Since we enjoy it, we can apply ourselves to what it is we are doing. Generally, we will be more consistent, persistent and determined to see something through to fruition, when a correlation exists between the undertaking and pleasure.
Fair enough. It is therefore prudent to enjoy more of what we do.
We've all taken on tasks we didn't enjoy. Most of us have at least once in our lifetime undertaken employment that was not to our liking. I know I have done it.
I knew initially it wasn't my dream job, but I was quite willing to put the hours in due to my ambitions.
After a couple of (long) years I started to look for another form of occupation.
It had taken me two years to realize that this was what I wanted and to want it enough to do something about it. It wasn't just the employer who didn't support me, it was also my choice of occupation that was letting me down.
I really had no drive for what I was doing. This was obvious. The first year I was full of raw energy and climbed up the corporate ladder 3 levels, then I hit a brick wall. I had stopped climbing as I realized the business countered my standards and my personal beliefs.
Subsequently, I trod water for a good year or so before I fully convinced myself that this Corporation held no future for me.
Is this period time wasting? Is it a senseless frittering away of valuable and important time in our lives? Both are yes and no answers. Let's start with "yes".
Yes it is, if you know you don't like the job and it irks you to simply attend to your daily duties. If you have become complacent enough that you no longer have the guts to chase your dreams and goals, then yes you are wasting your time.
If you simply go with the flow of the current business of your employ detesting it, but failing to address and action your emotions, then yes, you are indeed wasting your time and standing still.
After a few years of doing this you may lose interest in your own (professional) interests and your drive may dissipate somewhat. Such action over a lengthy period of time may zap your personal interests, as you simply become a robot, where you can no longer reach the buttons on your back. As a result they are pushed and operated by other people.
On the other hand, it may not be a senseless frittering away of your valuable years. I have illustrated in earlier work of mine showing how important your years are. It goes like this...
"As adults, we may receive 50 years of life to roam about the earth.
Assuming we are adult at 20 and pass on at 70, this holds true. Each and every year we experience after the age of 20 costs us 2% of our priceless adulthood.
It is therefore, a highly-under valued commodity, which, must be optimized.
There are no refunds and there are no second chances."
If you, during your employ, realize that there is no future for you at what you're doing and take appropriate action, then you are reacting to your circumstances positively. Such action may involve additional training in an area of interest to you or starting up a home business part-time. The difference here is that you are learning and reacting based on your interests.
Naturally, if you aren't 100% sure as to what makes you tick, then you will need to experiment with things that are of possible interest to you. If you like it, then you do more of it. If it doesn't rate as highly as you would otherwise like, then go onto other pastures.
Pastures on the other side may not always be as green as we like. Nevertheless, we must have a look and see. If not, then we'll wander over to another patch of grass and see if we like it or not. Doing so gives us an opportunity to grow as people. We expose ourselves to possibilities that may have remained closed off had we waited in the same pasture for the farmer to deliver what he thought we wanted. New doors are opening. Creativity is awakening as we experience a variety of new options.
It doesn't matter if the pasture we choose is drier than the one we know so well. We simply move on to a new one, assess it and act accordingly. You owe it to yourself to open as many doors as you can. It is in this way that you can choose more wisely. You will be widening your understanding and harnessing the strength of your increased knowledge. Knowledge is king.
Resources within Empowerism are designed to make your choices easier and more personal.
You may be content with things as they are now, but if you don't have a look on the other side you may never know how much better off you may have been...
Written by Darren Roberts
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Most people exist very near "As Good as it Gets," and far away
from "Who Wants to be a Millionaire"!
Sometimes we're too quick to accept the status quo, and dismiss the idea that there really is a way to improve our lives, multiply the dollars in our bank accounts, and become successful beyond our wildest dreams.
Too many of us believe that our job is our job, that our lot in life is just that.
Who are you listening to? We're asking you to momentarily suspend the thoughts and concepts you've been programmed to accept, and with an open mind decide if you can apply what you read on the pages of this site to your own life.
Empowerism frees you not just to think outside of the box, but to get out of the box! For just $10 a month, you can change everything and learn, right here, what entrepreneurs and people in all forms of business are frantic to learn: NetMarketing.
This is the hottest, most sought-after skill in any business, big or small, today.
As an Empowerism trainee, you can actually escape the status quo by taking advantage of our superior on-line training, allowing you to call your own shots, work your own hours, come to know that the sky really is the limit for your income potential, and trust yourself to make it happen.
All this with the tremendous on-going support that has earned
Empowerism its distinguished standing in the NetMarketing training arena and without your going broke in the process.
Make yourself indispensable to your company - the Internet Marketing expert of any company is not going to be the one laid off! They're too hard to find! Too expensive to hire!
Find greater individual success in your current job or in your search for a new one. You'll increase your marketability and be respected and valued instead of just "employed." This is your "leg up" on the competition.
Expand your opportunities for personal prosperity.
On your own or while functioning in your current job, you will have the marketing skills that will allow you to take control of your own income!
Let us Empower you in the world of NetMarketing. . .
Namaste, Jeanie
Your Hostess: Jeanie Pakula
Associate ID: 17569
Click Here to Contact Jeanie
You can go Directly to my web site with the following link:-
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