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![]() ![]() ![]() AD PLACEMENT PROGRAM
This page brought to you by: Jeanie Pakula
Work at Home Simply Placing our Classified Advertisements!
No Catches!
That's right! Simply place our Advertising & get Paid!
Did you know that classified advertising is part of a:
Six Billion Dollar Market!
We are sure that you will agree this is a big enough market to get
YOUR piece out of it! Read on to tap into the Easiest & Most
Profitable Business on the 'Net!
You are about to discover how to acquire the most simple, easy and
powerful moneymaking opportunity. It is called The Ad Placement
Program and it's a dynamic income generating system that allows you
to make profits providing a valuable service on or off of the
Who are we?
Adplacing.com is a Member in Good Standing with:
BIB ~ The Better Internet Bureau
I-Cop ~ International Council of Online Professionals
CAUCE ~ Coalition against Unsolicited Commercial Email
How can YOU benefit from affiliation with us?
Now we are going to show YOU how to earn a good income from home by
simply placing our Ads for our clients. One week you may place Ads
for FREE Software, Widgets or a Work-at-home opportunity, the next
week it could be long distance services, satellite dishes or even a
discounted vacation offer! You choose the Ads that you want to place
and get paid PER REPLY to these ads!
Ad Placement provides a great service to our clients. By them not
having to place Ads themselves, this allows them to concentrate on
the sales end of their business.
You NEVER have to handle ANY mail, correspondence, or otherwise from
our advertisers. We maintain the "contracts" with these firms and
then display the Ads to place for that given week.
You simply place them. That's It!
You may have seen ads or websites offering to pay you for envelope
stuffing. The ads generally are worded something like this:
Work At Home paid $5 Per Envelope Stuffed! Home workers needed
NOW due to expansion Supplies provided, envelopes are
pre-stamped, etc. etc.
- A typical 'Envelope Stuffing' advertisement-
What their Ad does not tell you is that you will be required to run
the identical ad, request that they mail YOU $5 for information and
then YOU have to mail them the sales letter recruiting them to do
the same thing. There! You have just stuffed an envelope!
This is NOT what Ad Placement is. Once signed up as an Ad Placer
with us you simply place the classified advertisements on or off of
the Internet! Your Choice! We provide you with the wording for the
Ads that you conveniently 'copy' and 'paste' to the more than 1000
FREE Ad Sites that we provide to you for NO CHARGE over the Internet.
The problem with most affiliate & business opportunities
Most promise instant wealth or profit with no effort. As reasonable
people we know that this is not probable. We buy into the idea
presented to us and rarely see any results. The next problem is that
although a business plan can be a very viable one, unless you know
how to market on the Internet, it is not too very likely that you
will succeed.
You may very well have been involved in something online before and
one of few things may have happened:
- Hidden work was involved and the program was NOT as it
was presented.
- You knew it was a great idea but you had no idea what to do with it
- Ran a few Ads and decided that the $3 commission check
was not enough
- You don't like to sell
Either way, some people walk away and give up by saying that
Internet opportunities do not work. That is not really true. A lot
of business modules do indeed show profit to you but that profit is
not attainable, as the program owner never taught you how to
actually market it.
The majority of sites offering a business opportunity will charge
you a fee, email you a welcome letter, give you a few Ads to run,
and add you to their mailing list you are on your way!
No, you are not. You need to know how and where to advertise.
We have solved this problem:
Not only are we offering you a business of your own but the
materials and training to prosper!
You see, that is the business that we are in, Advertising. The more
that you know about it, the more prosperous we will both be. We want
you to have the knowledge, the programs, the support and the
training that anyone would need to succeed in any business.
Normally, you would be offered one or the other, a marketing course
costing hundreds of dollars OR a business opportunity with NO training.
Well, Adplacing.com is an opportunity with a difference. We will put
you in your OWN business and teach you HOW to succeed in it! We have
developed an Improved program whereby you joining with us, we view
you as a partner and not simply a disposable marketing tool.
At last you can build a successful affiliate business!
The best part?
There is NO selling involved. You are paid per reply to the Ad. No
one has to purchase anything from your Ads just respond!
Now that you know what we are going to do for you, here is how the program works:
Every other week you will have access to the Ads to place for our clients.
We will pay you for each & every valid response that comes in from your placed Ads.
You will be taught a special coding process to assure credit for your replies.
You never have to contact a customer; you receive NO Email from
these companies or the leads that we provide them. In return, they
receive, from us, qualified leads for their sales department.
It's a win-win situation.
For this service that you and the many other professional Ad Placers
provide, placing Ads, you are paid $1.00 US from EACH response to
your Ads. Doesn't sound too exciting, does it? Some Ad Placers
receive an average of 150 replies to their Ads a week, some more and
some less. In addition to this, let's say that you also ran a print
Ad campaign that same week and this averaged you an additional 450
responses, that would yield you an income of $600 US a week! But
wait, it does get better! You won't believe what you are going to
As soon as I started the Ad Placement Program I started making money. I
love the program and everyone that you work with is so helpful. Many and
much THANKS! M. Beck USA
I have been involved with other programs during the past 2-3 years, but I
have found Ad Placement the easiest and fastest way to make money online!
M. Agloro USA
Ad Placement made sense, it was pure and simple. I made sure that I only
invested the money and time that I could afford. For the first time in my
life... I am making REAL money! Thank You Adplacing! . Johal Africa
I have a collection of Internet Marketing/Promotion books and materials
valued at over $4,000 I could have saved myself a lot of money & wasted
time if I had only found you sooner! I cannot believe the up to date hands
on information that you GIVE AWAY to your affiliates! It is a profitable
pleasure being in business with you Adplacing.com! M. Manna USA
So far I love it! It's Easy. My sponsor has been GREAT! been there as I
needed him and has been very informative. Thank you very much look forward
to a long and prosperous "life" with Ad Placement!! H. Jackson USA
Free With your Sign Up:
Exclusive to Adplacing.com membership, access to the Quick Start series,
including easy to follow instructions to get you started pacing Ad for
profit right away!
FREE Limited Access to the Online-Etrainer.com Site teaching you proven
Marketing Techniques, free software to run your business Free Training &
so much more!~ This site is comprehensive & only Adplacing.com members can
access for FREE!
So, what can you look forward to with your FREE Quick Start & Etrainer
membership?The most helpful tutorials and links to building your business.
The following is what you can expect to have access to:
~ Top 100 FREE Classified Sites
The insiders secret to ~Yahoo! Classifieds
~BONUS! Free Classified Ad Blaster Software!
~Tutorial on how you can have your own FFA Site and how to promote &
market it!
~Tutorial on safe lists where to find the *best ones*
~Free Report- Insider Secrets to obtaining Advertising absolutely FREE!
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this website may be copied without the consent of the owners.
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