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![]() ![]() ![]() The Gideon Network Information
![]() If you are as excited as I was go directly to the link below to get right at it--
Check out the following link to get the ebook with all the necessary information to teach you about our Gideon Network. IT IS SUCH A GREAT IDEA
What is The Gideon Network
The Gideon Network is changing the way we do business in the Internet Networking Marketing field. This is the first opportunity that is truly doing what it says it does. I am actually making money. Because it only takes two to succeed, it is doable for the serious entrepreneur. All of us know two to bless with this program, so the risk of spamming isn't ever necessary.
There are three pieces to this opportunity:
1) The Gideon Network is an informal affiliation of people.
It is not a company, nor does it have a legal structure. It was started by a small group of people who have a lot of experience in networking (15 - 20 years each.) Because of this breadth of experience, they have had successes and failures. They know the upside of networking (the wonderful friendships that are created and maintained and the potential for financial freedom) and the downside (the hype and tremendous amount of time and energy that can be expended on people who are deadbeats).
They thought, "What if we created a network where you invited two - and ONLY TWO - friends or acquaintances who are responsible and want to earn an excellent income with a minimum of effort?" ("What if we eliminated the deadbeat factor?")
2) Next they needed a vehicle for the financial flow.
They hired some attorneys to explore alternatives and eventually selected a company called Zibycom.
The mission of Zibycom is to make the world Internet literate: "We teach the world to reach the world."
Zibycom was founded by two brothers who were also co-founders of Skybiz,
a very successful company that did over $200 million of business in 3 years. When you buy Zibycom's product for a one time charge of $135, you get 5 websites, web hosting for the 5 websites, and education about the Internet. Because they are on the Internet, anyone from any country in the world can buy their product. (This means that your two people can live in any country!) They have sold over 1.5 million packages to date.
Zibycom was selected by the Gideon Network as the FIRST financial vehicle because it pays well, its philosophy is aligned with that of the Network founders (it contributes a portion of its profits to a number of charities),
it has a desirable product, and it is a company of integrity.
3) The founders then knew that they needed a vehicle to connect, train and communicate with the Network.
So their third step was to set up a secure website where the members could communicate with one another - at no charge to the members.
This is how it works:
The cost is $135 per person. There is no monthly fee.
If you decide to participate, your job is to invite two responsible friends or acquaintances within the first week to join you in becoming part of the Network. Their job is to do the same: invite two responsible friends or acquaintances within the first week to join them in becoming part of the Network. You will mentor and support them to do this.
If you wish, you can also contribute some time in supporting the Network by marketing for the Network, or interviewing potential new members, or doing whatever you love to do and have already mastered - on behalf of the entire Network. This is not a "should" or a "have to" but an opportunity, if you choose to do that.
If each person successfully invites 2 people within the first week, here's what you can expect to receive:
After 4 weeks: $225
After 8 weeks: $4,050
After 12 weeks: You will have received a total of $67,950
After that, you continue to receive at the rate of $8.33 for each person in your organization. (Your team must be balanced with at least 1/3 of your people under one of your personally sponsored friends and no more than 2/3rds of your people under the other person! The beauty of this is that it will inspire each of us to support those people we sponsored who are moving more slowly, thus deepening our friendship and enhancing the feeling of satisfaction that comes from giving to others! In networking, whatever you do gets replicated downline! If you move quickly and are supportive, your team will do the same!)
In summary, this is easy, fun, and compelling. One member of The Gideon
Network enrolled herself and 2 friends in 6 hrs!
Please visit this link to discover the secrets of earning an incredible income-all it takes is committment, know-how, support of TEAM members, and a business plan that actually works.
For more information about ZibyCom, visit this site by clicking on this link below
Click the red X, read the e-book, check out the link for www.zibycom.com - to learn more about the financial vehicle. You can also request an interview from the e-book site. This opportunity is for serious net-renuers only so our screening process helps demonstrate your commitment.
IMPORTANT: Please write down my partner name before proceeding to this website: adsbyjeanie
In one year each participant will have to renew with Zibycom for $100. This means that the money will flow annually through the entire Network! When you pay your $100, that money will flow to your entire upline.
When your team renews, that money will flow to you. ($8.33 per person)
Now for the most brilliant part of the vision: Once the Network is in place and each of us is earning $$$$ or $$$$$ every month, the Network will add another company to the system. Now you will have two income streams instead of one - and you won't need to enroll another person! The Network will be in place and will serve as a funnel for any number of companies and financial streams.
We may end up with 10 companys! This is great income insurance - and, as you can see, the potential is incredible.
So, that's it. Please read the e-book right away and get back to me. I'll do my best to answer your questions. I hope you'll choose to play with me and the Gideon Network!
Your partner in prosperity,
Jeanie Pakula
Partner name for zibycom : jeanie
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